Freebe是一个以软件产品共创为实践方式的DAO,计划探索「去中心化 & 基于贡献分配」的组织协作机制,并为其构建底层通用基础设施。 FreeBe的愿景,是通过搭建一套客观公正,基于群体共识的价值判断体系和组织协作方式,为每个独特的灵魂创造一个在数字世界自由合作,为彼此创造价值的生命体验,实现自由人的自由协作。 FreeBe is a collaborative DAO that fosters freedom and value creation in the digital world. Through decentralized, contribution-based mechanisms, it builds infrastructure and promotes cooperative software co-creation. With a vision for an objective and fair system of value judgment based on collective consensus, FreeBe empowers individuals to freely collaborate, harness their uniqueness, and drive collaborative innovation.
<aside> 💡 Being
<aside> ⏳ Doing
<aside> 💬 Discussing
<aside> 💒 公共空间事务(FreeBe组织管理)
<aside> 📝 里程碑故事
<aside> 📝 推荐阅读
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