<aside> 🇬🇧 EN
DAO-DNA=DAO-Digital Nuclear Agreement
DAO-DNA is a constitution that applies universal consensus and it will be inscribed on the DAO chain as the first-principle block. The norms of the DAO-DNA are followed by subsequent DAOs on the chain, enabling them to achieve independence in decision-making, economy, and information dissemination without the interference of external authorities. This independence allows DAOs to operate freely and establish their own unique identity.
What is the fundamental, immutable consensus for DAO-DNA? How can we construct it?
FreeBe plans to build it from 3 perspectives:
Subordinate to each product model, minimal, customizable, independent, interoperable, tool-based functional units, e.g. DAO creation, voting, task management
Although DAOs are grouped by a bunch of individuals who share the same belief, it's clear that DAOs are differentiated. Therefore, DAO-DNA is not attempting to speak on behalf of all DAOs, but discovering the commonalities hidden behind differences, in other words, the genes of DAOs that is stable and can evolve into surprisingly complex forms.
<aside> 🇨🇳 CN
DAO.DNA=DAO.Digital Nuclear Agreement
DAO DNA应该存储什么信息?什么是根本性的,不可改变的共识信息?
我们做DAO-DNA,不是为了代表他人创建共识,因为我们明确知道DAO和DAO之间是不一样的。 我们只是在帮助那些有强烈的独立观点,个人意志,信念和价值观的人聚集在一起,让他们的共识明确而清晰地被表达出来,让DAO成为他们相互监督,相互扶持,共同创造的组织形式。