利他 Altruistic
❤️ We become ourselves through others. (生活在一个有压力的世界中,我们在与他人的关系中定义我们自身,并通过行动让彼此变得更好)
- FreeBe will reward those who have a positive impact on the well-being of others.
- Freebe从组织机制层面,就将设计为奖励利他行为。
- 你有拒绝的权利,在Freebe中,你只需做你想做的事。You have the right to say No, and you shall not be manipulated by any centralized authority.
- 作为一个自我管理的社区,我们依靠的是成员个人对他们的行为和对社区的承诺负责
- Trust First:Anyone can do anything as long as your teammates don’t actively object to it, eg. avoid voting and meeting whenever and wherever possible.
- Ask for forgiveness, not permission
- Stay open (open-source, record discussions, actively sharing and keep content public)
- Make decisions that you understand.
- Make the change you want to see in this world. We cannot understand a system unless we try to change it.
多样性 Diversity:DAO thrives by its people
We believe DAO should be rolled out to benefit all organizations, not just Web3. DAO should attract people from various fields.
Meanwhile,Web3 can provide DAO with the ideas and knowledge it represents:
- Technical infrastructure